terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
- In the Log Cabin timetable and terms are subject to change. We may at any time choose to withdraw a type of session, price option or promotion.
- We may increase our prices at any time.
- No refunds will be given on class blocks once purchased unless there is a medical reason why you cannot attend or continue the sessions.
- Our group Pilates classes are limited to 6 clients per class.
- When purchasing a block of ten private classes, please note that your purchase must be used within 6 months of purchase.
- CANCELLATION POLICY FOR PILATES CLASSES: WE REQUIRE 48 HOURS NOTICE TO CANCEL YOUR SESSION. If you give us 48hrs notice, you will not be charged for your session and it will be available to use at another time within the period of purchase. If you neglect to give us the required notice to cancel or reschedule your booking, it will be treated as having been used, whether or not you attend, and you will not be entitled to a refund or to reschedule. There are no exceptions.
- If we have to cancel your class both group or 1-2-1, for any reason, we will do our best to give you advance notice and, in such instances, it will be available to use for another booking or for group classes you may be offered a refund or class credit. It is your responsibility to make sure we have the best way to contact you to notify you of cancellations.
- You cannot transfer unused sessions or bookings without permission. Such permission will not be unreasonably withheld.
- “In the Log Cabin” is a trading name of The Progressive Pilates Studio Limited.
When booking you will be asked to agree to the following terms and conditions:
I confirm that I have/will complete the Client Health Questionnaire to the best of my belief and update us of any changes to your health. I understand that Pilates exercises are safe but I acknowledge that it is recommended that I receive medical clearance from my doctor before starting these sessions. I will inform my teacher before the session of any changes in my health or medical status e.g. muscle or joint pain, new medication or an injury. I agree that if I feel unwell I won’t attend the session. This is for my own safety and if it is a class the well-being of other clients. I understand it is not advisable to do Pilates in weeks 8-14 of pregnancy and I understand I need to wait until 6 weeks post birth before i resume Pilates or 8-12 weeks post c-section (depending on your recovery). I understand that In the Log Cabin has a 48 hour cancellation policy for 1-2-1 Pilates classes and if I fail to give sufficient notice I will be charged in full for any cancellations.
I understand that all exercise carries a risk of injury. I assume full responsibility in Pilates sessions at my sole risk and I will stop exercising if I feel any pain and inform my instructor if I feel any discomfort during or after a session. I understand my instructor can accept no liability for personal injury if your doctor has advised you against such exercise, if you fail to follow instructions on safety or technique or if injury is caused by negligence of another participant. If I am attending a class with my baby I understand my baby remains my responsibility throughout the class. I understand if I sign up for a block this is for a set number of weeks, is non transferable & is non refundable unless there is a medical reason why I cannot attend or continue the sessions. I expressly agree that I have been informed that Pilates involves possible risks & all exercises shall be undertaken at my sole risk & that neither Clare Axon-Saunders or the facility shall be liable to me for any claims, demands, injuries or damages.
If at any time you feel you are exercising beyond your current fitness abilities, or you feel discomfort, pain, dizziness or nausea, you should inform your teacher and discontinue exercising immediately!
Clare Axon-Saunders & In the Log Cabin recommends that you consult your GP regarding the suitability of undertaking an exercise class and following all the safety instructions required before beginning to exercise. When participating in any exercise or exercise programme, there is the possibility of sustaining a physical injury. If you engage in this exercise programme, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities and assume all risk of injury to yourself. All contracts subject to and governed by English Law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.
“In the Log Cabin” is a trading name of The Progressive Pilates Studio Limited.
Covid-19 Safe Policy
All In the Log Cabin clients must comply with the Covid-19 Safe Policy and associated procedures.
At In the Log Cabin we are committed to maintaining best practises in relation to hygiene standards and will always strive to make our environment safe and enjoyable for our clients.
These measures are in line with current government guidelines and will be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary.
What you can expect from us:
- All teachers will keep updated with government guidelines and best practice in relation to hygiene and infection control
- We will provide hand washing facilities in the Utility Room and Bathroom and hand sanitiser in the Studio
- We will clean all equipment after each use and regularly clean the floor and high touch areas such as door handles
- Any teacher who is unwell or has been exposed to Covid-19 will not come into the studio
- Teachers will keep a minimum of 2m away and there will be no hands on correction
- We will increase the length of time between classes to ensure there is no crossover of clients
What we need from you:
- Please stay at home if you have any Covid-19 symptoms and give us notice if you need to cancel
- Clients must wear a face covering when walking through any communal areas
- There will be no waiting area so please arrive on time for your session. If you arrive early, please wait in your car until your appointment time
- Please wash your hands in the Utility Room on arrival
- Please use the hand sanitizer in the Studio when you have finished your session
By attending a private/group session at In the Log Cabin, I acknowledge and accept that there are risks associated with Covid-19 as a result of attending my appointment. In the Log Cabin cannot accept responsibility for transmission of Covid-19.
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Policy
1. Introduction
In the Log Cabin (the Studio) uses Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) images to monitor the premises of the Studio at 16 Butterfield Lane, St Albans, AL1 2HJ in order to provide a safe and secure environment for clients, teachers and visitors and to prevent the loss or damage to Studio property.
1.1 The system is comprised of two fixed cameras.
1.2 The system records sound and images.
1.3 The system is owned and operated by In the Log Cabin.
1.4 The system is managed by the Studio Manager
1.5 The Studio’s CCTV scheme is registered with the Information Commission Office (ICO) under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998. The use of CCTV and the associated images is covered by the Data Protection Act 1998. This policy outlines the Studio’s use of CCTV and how it complies with the Act.
1.6 The persons with access to images are aware of the procedures that need to be followed when accessing the recorded images. All relevant persons are trained in their responsibilities under the ICO’s publication, “In the picture: a data protection code of practice for surveillance cameras and personal information”. All persons are aware of the restrictions in relation to access to, and disclosure of, recorded images
2. Statement of Intent
2.1 . The Studio complies with the ICO’s code of practice for surveillance cameras to ensure that CCTV is used responsibly and safeguards both trust and confidence in its continued use.
2.2 CCTV warning signs are clearly and prominently placed in the Studio
3. Siting the Cameras
3.1 The Studio has two cameras. One is located within the studio and the other is located on the front of the studio building.
3.2 The cameras are positioned so their coverage is restricted to the Studio premises, which includes outdoor areas.
4. Storage and Retention of CCTV Images
4.1 Recorded footage will be retained for 30 days. While retained, the integrity of the recordings will be maintained to ensure their evidential value and to protect the rights of the people whose images have been recorded.
4.2 All retained data is stored securely in accordance with the RAD Information Security Policy on the CCTV Video Recorder hard drive.
5. Access and Disclosure of CCTV images
5.1 Day to day access to recorded images is restricted to those persons authorised to view them, which includes the Studio Manager
5.2 Images will not be made more widely available, except in the case of an internal investigation (including any safeguarding investigations). During such investigations it may be necessary to share recorded footage with others involved in the investigation.
5.3 There will be no disclosure of recorded data to third parties other than to the police or other authorised external organisations with crime prevention or law enforcement functions, provided the authenticity of the person making the request is established and the recorded data is required to prevent or detect a crime or to catch or prosecute an offender.
6. Subject Access Requests (SAR)
6.1 Individuals have the right to request access to existing CCTV footage relating to them under the Data Protection Act.
6.2 The Studio reserves the right to refuse access to CCTV footage where this would prejudice the legal rights of other individuals or jeopardise an on-going investigation.
7. Complaints & Enquiries
7.1. Complaints and enquiries about the operation of CCTV on Studio premises should be directed to the Studio Manager.
St Albans based Pilates studio with the full range of Pilates equipment including reformers, towers and chairs
Visit Us
16 Butterfield Lane
St Albans
Contact us
07729 919586 or (01727) 420747
Open Hours
M-F: 8am - 8.30pm
Sat: 8am - 2pm

"In the Log Cabin" is the trading name of The Progressive Pilates Studio Limited. Registered in England Company Number 15563891.